Diet & Fitness

Make better overall lifestyle choices from the knowledge this test provides

Our diet & fitness test

People are becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of leading a healthy and active lifestyle, incorporating diet and exercise into their daily routines. What is not so well known is your genetic make-up has a significant, and sometimes profound effect, on how your body responds to different types of diet and exercise. You may see others who, with less effort than you, progress toward their goals with ease while you are committing significantly more effort and time and barely meeting your training goals.

The answer to this is most certainly held in the genetic make-up of your DNA. Our Diet & Fitness test gives you the knowledge you need, allowing highly beneficial changes to be made to your lifestyle.

Diet & fitness


Now I know where my strengths and weaknesses are, I can really focus my diet and workouts to achieve me goals.


took the Diet & Fitness test

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