Personalised Medicine (Pharmacogenomics)

Using genetics to understand and optimise the use of commonly prescribed medications.

What is Pharmacogenomics?

Pharmacogenomics is an exciting new field which combines the science of how drugs work (pharmacology) with the science of the human genome (genomics). The data found in your genetic make-up can be used by doctors to prescribe specific drugs and doses that work best for you.

How our Pharmacogenomics test can help you

Prescription guidelines used by doctors worldwide determine the way in which medications are administered to patients. These guidelines are based on research into how effective the drugs are and what dosage produces the most benefit and fewest side-effects to the general population.

But prescription medication isn’t ‘one-size-fits-all’. Drugs may work more or less effectively for you than they do for other people, depending on your genetic make-up. Likewise, you may experience more or fewer side effects than others.

Your genetic report from the Pharmacogenomics test provides a clear indication of how you will respond to certain medications for particular conditions. Your doctor is able to use this information when prescribing drugs and dosages in order that you are on the most suitable medication for you and avoid any negative side effects. This will be particularly beneficial for those who have chronic medical conditions and are on medication long-term.



Understanding how I react to certain medications has empowered me to make positive changes in my life.


took the Pharmacogenomics test

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